Washington University’s Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS) complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in responding to requests for information from a student’s educational record by an external agency, employer or another educational institution to which a current or former student is applying.

OSCCS reports any Washington University in St. Louis Student Conduct Code violations if the student is found responsible and a sanction of probation, suspension or expulsion is imposed as a result of a violation. The violation is reportable regardless of the university office or School responsible for overseeing the student conduct case (e.g. OSCCS, Residential Life, Campus Life, Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance, or individual Schools). University sanctions increase in severity from a warning to probation, suspension, or expulsion, and can also include restitution and educational assignments.

Subject to limited exceptions, OSCCS does not report a Student Conduct Code violation in which the only sanction imposed is a warning, written reprimand and/or educational assignments. OSCCS also does not report first-time academic integrity violations unless it results in probation, suspension or expulsion.


  1. If a student is found responsible for a subsequent non-academic violation of the Student Conduct Code, OSCCS will report all non-academic violations of the Student Conduct Code.
  2. If a student is found responsible for a second academic integrity violation, OSCCS will report all academic integrity violations of the Student Conduct Code.
  3. If a student is found responsible for a first academic integrity violation, and does not complete the educational remedy or other sanction(s) by the assigned due date, OSCCS will report all academic integrity violations of the Student Conduct Code. 
  4. OSCCS does not report cases in which the student is granted amnesty pursuant to the University’s medical amnesty policy.

OSCCS records are typically maintained for a minimum of ten years following the date of the final decision. Records related to suspensions and expulsions are maintained indefinitely, as are records related to academic integrity violations.

If a student is suspended or expelled, the student’s transcript will include a permanent notation. For pending academic integrity cases, a hold may be placed on the student’s account at the discretion of the School and/or the University office adjudicating the case. For pending non-academic Student Conduct Code cases, a hold will be placed on the student’s account if suspension or expulsion may be imposed as a potential sanction; if a student fails to appear to a meeting; or fails to complete their sanction(s). If a student wishes to have a transcript sent out to a third party while their case is pending before the Student Conduct Board, the transcript will include a notation advising that the student conduct matter is pending.

Students at the University are encouraged to be truthful and disclose any Student Conduct Code violation, which includes academic integrity violations, in response to inquiries and requests for information from an external agency, employer or another educational institution, whether reportable by the University or not.

Disciplinary action that Washington University in St. Louis reports might not be considered reportable by another institution.

Please contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards with any questions about our student conduct record reporting practices.