
The Student Conduct Board (SCB) hears and decides cases referred to it by the Student Conduct Administrator, the undergraduate school or college academic integrity officers or panels, graduate and professional schools, and the suspending authority following a temporary suspension; and cases involving allegations of academic misconduct in the absence of a school or college academic integrity panel.  The SCB hears and decides appeals from temporary suspensions, appeals referred to it by the chairperson of the SCB, and appeals from sanctions issued by the Student Conduct Administrator. The SCB also performs other duties as called for by this code.

The chairperson of the SCB presides over all hearings conducted before the SCB and convenes pre-hearing proceedings as needed; rules on appeals from decisions of the Student Conduct Administrator and undergraduate school or college academic integrity panels; and performs other duties as called for by this code.


Members of the SCB are appointed for two (2) year terms, beginning on January 1.  Faculty members are appointed by the Faculty Senate Council; student members are appointed by the Student Union and the Graduate Professional Student Council; and administrative or staff members are appointed by the Chancellor.  Each year, three (3) faculty members are appointed; three (3) undergraduate student members are appointed; three (3) graduate – professional student members; and three (3) administrative or staff members are appointed. If a vacancy exists members may be appointed throughout the year.  Members may be reappointed, but no member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.  Members of the Faculty Senate Council, Student Union Executive Council, officers of the Graduate and Professional Student Council, and officers of the University shall not serve on the SCB.

The chairperson of the USCB is appointed annually by the chancellor. The chairperson must be a member of the university community. The chairperson may be appointed, without limitation, for consecutive terms.

The panel convened for a hearing normally consists of three (3) student members and either three (3) faculty members, or three (3) members of the administration or staff, plus the chairperson. A quorum consists of four (4) members, plus the chairperson. Student members shall comprise a portion of the hearing panel in every case.  Every attempt shall be made to provide peer representation for both graduate and undergraduate students. The chairperson shall determine whether faculty or administrative (or staff) members shall comprise the remainder of the panel. In making this determination, the chairperson shall designate faculty members whenever the sole allegation is academic misconduct. If, at the sole discretion of the chairperson, the allegations do not relate solely to matters of academic misconduct, faculty, administrative, staff members or any combination thereof may serve.