Student conduct records are maintained by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards and are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Disciplinary records are maintained for ten (10) years. Matters that result in suspension, expulsion and academic integrity are maintained permanently.

Please note that all incidents of behavior that occur on campus, whether it be within Residential Life, Academic Integrity, Student Organizations and/or referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS), are considered as part of the students’ conduct record with the university. See the reporting policy. The OSCCS will make the determination if cases are to be reported when students apply for graduate and/or professional schools. In most cases the following are automatically reported:

  • all Clery violations (drugs, alcohol, Title IX, etc.)
  • repeated violations
  • suspension, expulsion and academic integrity violations

OSCCS will provide information that is requested for institutional and external agencies who inquire about a student’s conduct record. Institutional examples include but are not limited to: Fraternity and Sorority Life, Leadership Positions, Study Abroad, etc. Examples of external agencies include but are not limited to: graduate and professional schools, professional organizations such as state bar associations, government agencies, etc.

For students with student conduct records, OSCCS report cases where a student has been found responsible.

Important considerations

Below are some important things to consider, when answering questions regarding your student disciplinary records.

Who is a disciplinary board of the university?

Disciplinary board or bodies of the university include any student conduct officer at the institution. These individuals are found within Residential Life, Campus Life and Academic Integrity Officers/Panels.

Do schools care about your conduct history?

Yes. Not only will schools ask you, the applicant, to report your own case history, but, they may also send a form to OSCCS to report your disciplinary history.

Who receives this information?

Internally, a review of your disciplinary record may be done for reasons including, but not limited to: (a) leadership positions, (b) student employment, (c) study abroad, (d) internships and (e) scholarship applications.

Externally, a review of your disciplinary record may be requested by: (a) other institutions of enrollment, (b) graduate and professional school admissions and (c) government agencies.

What is reported when asked?

The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards will report violations of the including, but not limited to: (a) academic integrity, (b) alcohol, (b) drugs, (c) possession of false identification, (d) violent behavior, (e) theft.

What am I required to report?

When reporting disciplinary records, it is important to rely on the question being asked. Some questions may ask about any disciplinary action; while others may only ask about probation, suspension and expulsion. There are forms that are only concerned with legal violations (ex. traffic tickets, etc.).

What should I include in my response?

When answering the question, you should be honest and truthful regarding the incident(s) in question. Report what is being asked without making an attempt to hide information. If at any moment you are concerned regarding what you are writing within your report, please consult with a member of the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.

Will I automatically be rejected for reporting?

No. You may be asked to discuss it in an interview. Failing to report is much worse. Schools and employers can call WashU to verify that what you reported is accurate. The repercussions may be severe if you intentionally or unintentionally omit requested information. For example, schools have the ability revoke scholarships or offers of admissions.

If something happens after I submit my paperwork for admission should I update my schools?

Yes! You have a continuing obligation to update your response to your institutions throughout the application process. Failing to do so may result in more severe consequences.

What’s the process to request an official background check?

For student transfer and other types of applications, this is often the deans certification form. In requesting a background check or the completion of one of these forms, please be sure to do the following:

  • Allow sufficient time to completely prepare your materials. The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is not responsible for incorrect forms or inadequate/incomplete information.
  • Submit any necessary forms/documents to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. You can bring it to our office located in the annex of the Residential Life Center on the South 40, or email them.
  • In the event there is no form to complete, submit inquiries or requests for records in writing to this email.
  • Include an appropriate sized self-addressed envelope with a full mailing address and sufficient postage (or provide fax/email information, if preferred).
  • Allow 10 business days for your request to be processed and sent.

If you know you have a university student conduct or disciplinary file, please allow three weeks (15 business days) for your request to be processed. In some cases, it may be necessary for you to meet with the student conduct administrator before any information about your case is released.